The Eyak Corporation Annual Meeting of the Shareholders

Eyak Corporation Shareholders Elect Board Members in 2023

On September 30, 2023, The Eyak Corporation held its 49th Annual Meeting of Shareholders in Anchorage, Alaska. During that meeting, the following shareholders were elected to serve three-year terms on The Eyak Corporation’s Board of Directors: John Johnson; Jim McDaniel; and Jim Ujioka. The following shareholders are continuing members of the corporation’s Board of Directors: Rikki Addy; Matthew Andersen; Nancy Barnes; Karla Steele, and Nick Tiedeman. In October, Director Todd Lilleness submitted his resignation to TEC’s Board of Directors. During a Special Board Meeting after his resigna- tion was received, the Board appointed Ashley Christensen to fulfill the remainder of his term.

Company News 2023


“We at The Eyak Corporation are excited to welcome Dawn into our family of companies. She brings a tremendous amount of proven experience and knowledge to the team and we look forward to our amazing future together,” Thomas Mack, CEO for The Eyak Corporation...

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